Is Executive Burnout Inevitable?

Lessons from the C-Suite | 1ST December 2021 | 13:00 – 15:30

Unfortunately, in light of the current pandemic and social unrest, burnout seems inevitable as teams tackle an onslaught of daily disruptions and challenges. As executive leaders, we often put our employees needs first – whether they be emotional, physical, or otherwise – but how are we looking at our own wellbeing to avoid burnout? 

In times of crisis, the first should be to take care of yourself. Only then will you be able to effectively lead your organisations forward. At this roundtable discussion, we’ll dig into this topic and give you some practical advice on how to maintain the sort of wellbeing that allows for consistent, sustainable productivity. 

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John Earl
Lead Wellbeing and Burnout Consultant, The Learning Curve

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Aileen Evans
Chief Executive, Grand Union Housing Group and President, Chartered Institute of Housing

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Francesca Okosi
Executive Director of People and Organisational Effectiveness, Nursing and Midwifery Council

Francesca Okosi is the Executive Director of the newly formed People and Organisational Effectiveness directorate at the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

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Date: 1st December 2021

Time: 13:00 – 15:30

Venue: Central London

If you would like to register your interest to attend the roundtable please click the link below.