Taking Action Workshops

At Connex Leadership Networks, we’re not just about discussions – we’re about driving real change. This year, we are thrilled to introduce our ‘Taking Actions’ workshop series, meticulously designed to equip leaders in the affordable housing sector with the practical skills and knowledge necessary for tackling our unique challenges.


28th February 2024, 10:00 - 12:00

Diversity Deficits and Dividends: Diversity as a Purpose rather than a Slogan

In this session with Simon Fanshawe OBE, participants will identify and address specific diversity and allyship issues, developing a targeted framework for organisational improvement. The focus is on understanding and tackling imbalances without resorting to slogans, with the ultimate goal of achieving dividends through diversity that meet the needs of both current and future tenants.

18th April 2024, 13:30 - 16:30

Crafting a Blueprint for Customer-Centric Excellence

Charlie Dawson, known for advising major organisations on customer-centricity, joins 4OC housing experts to explore embedding a customer-led culture in response to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) in April 2024, emphasising the importance of putting residents and communities at the core of organisational practices.

5th June 2024, 13:30 - 16:30​

Tech in Tenancies: Mastering System Implementation for Modern Housing Providers​

Join discussions led by 4OC and an external expert to explore small steps for a successful digital transformation in the housing industry. Emphasising effective leadership and proactive measures, address challenges like funding and legislative changes to enhance customer experiences and optimise system benefits.

26th September 2024, 10:00 - 13:00

Diversity Blueprint: Reinventing Board Composition​

Engage in a transformative session led by Lara Oyedele, aimed at revolutionising your organisation’s board composition. This initiative encourages the adoption of modern methods to enhance diversity, challenge existing paradigms, and adopt inclusive recruitment practices at the leadership level, with the goal of paving the way for a more inclusive future in board leadership.

8th October 2024, 10:00 - 13:00​

Remaining Resilient Through Change: Building Resilience Amidst Change in the Housing Sector

As part of the ‘Taking Actions’ series, this workshop focuses on personal and organisational resilience amid constant change. Using the Bridges Transition Model, participants enhance emotional intelligence and acquire resilience-boosting techniques to help leaders navigate change successfully, secure team commitment, and maintain a resilient leadership stance.

7th November 2024, 10:00 - 13:00​

Is Conflict on a Board a Bad Thing?: Harnessing Creative Tension in Board Leadership

Tailored for board members, this workshop reframes conflict as a catalyst for innovation and creative problem-solving, aiming to enhance decision-making through diverse perspectives. Participants engage in experiential exercises to encourage critical thinking and foster an environment where creativity thrives.

14th November 2024, 10:00 - 12:00

How to Achieve True Inclusion: Recognising the Variety of Voices in your Organisation​

Simon Fanshawe OBE will address the issue of diversity and inclusion becoming tools of conformity, offering practical tools and processes to foster genuine and lasting inclusion, not just an illusion. Emphasising the inevitability of clashes and conflicts, the session encourages a ‘talk and learn’ approach over ‘point and punish’ to truly recognise and appreciate the diversity of people and opinions within an organisation.

4th December 2024, 15:00 - 17:30

Effective communication in a Virtual and Inclusive World

Enhance leadership skills through improved vocal technique and body language, acquiring practical tools and insights for effective communication, presentation, and stakeholder engagement. Develop a stronger sense of self, identifying strengths and weaknesses, to confidently navigate various professional situations.

To Be Announced

Pathways to Leadership: Preparing for Your First Board Role or Executive Post

This workshop, facilitated by Lara Oyedele, is designed to equip individuals eyeing their first board or executive position with vital leadership and personal branding skills. The session will cover strategic planning, effective public speaking, and bespoke strategies relevant to the housing sector, ultimately guiding participants towards leadership excellence.

Published on: 13th February 2024, 11:30