2024 Programme of Events

Check out some of the upcoming roundtables in H1 2024

January - July 2024 Programme

6th February 2024, 10:00 to 12:00

The NHF’s ‘Chairs’ Challenge’ addresses EDI ambiguity on boards, prompted by survey findings. It urges commitments beyond surface efforts, but Connex questions authenticity. Does signing up maintain appearances? What metrics assess early EDI effectiveness? Will the challenge bring substantial change, and when? The roundtable confronts these issues, establishing a foundation for EDI transformation in housing organisations.


Jenny Brown, Chair, Longhurst Group

Victor da Cunha, Group Chief Executive, Curo Group

David Hunter, Chair, Mount Green Housing Association


Karl George, Partner, RSM

12th March 2024, 10:00 to 12:00

In Conversation with the Chief of Regulatory Engagement, Regulator of Social Housing

Join us for a critical and in-depth dialogue with Kate Dodsworth, Chief of Regulatory Engagement at the Regulator of Social Housing. With new consumer regulation set to commence in April 2024, landlords face an imperative to prepare for these changes proactively. Kate Dodsworth will lead this vital discussion on the finalised new consumer standards, offering a timely lens through which to interpret and strategise for forthcoming regulatory shifts.


Kate Dodsworth, Chief of Regulatory Engagement, Regulator of Social Housing


Jonathan Hulley, Head of Social Housing, Birketts LLP

25th April 2024, 10:00 to 12:00

The Resilient Leader: Why Be A CEO in Housing’s Current Climate?

“The Resilient Leader” explores the psychology of CEOs in the housing sector, examining motivations amid volatility. It delves into specific challenges and resilience strategies that distinguish effective leaders. The discussion also addresses transforming adversity into organisational strength, offering practical strategies and psychological tools for leadership under duress in 2024.


Mark Perry, Chief Executive, VIVID

Charmaine Simei, Chief Executive, Tuntum Housing Association

Sarah Thomas, Chief Executive, RHP


Sarah Stevenson, Director, New Street Consulting Group

15th May 2024, 13:00 to 15:00

Tenant Narratives: Unlocking the Power of Resident-Centric Leadership

Are tenants merely occupants, or are they partners in shaping vibrant communities? “Tenant Narratives” elevates the conversation from merely satisfying resident needs to genuinely engaging them as stakeholders in the housing ecosystem. How can existing leadership models be recalibrated to place residents at the heart of decision-making? What new metrics can we introduce to measure the impact of such an approach? This roundtable is designed to serve as a think tank for innovating resident-centric housing solutions, enriching both the sector and the communities it serves.


Valerie Oldfield, NHF Tenant Advisory Panel Member

Fayann Simpson OBE, Group Board Member and Senior Independent Director, L&Q

Steve Southwell, Chair Residents Voice, Worthing Homes


Kam Basra, Operations Director, Home Connections

10th July 2024, 16:00 to 18:00

Eye of the Storm: Mastering Adversity in Leadership

“In the Eye of the Storm” examines how leaders can triumph over adversity, a defining moment in their journey. This session shares firsthand accounts from leaders who have successfully navigated challenges, revealing tried-and-true strategies to convert crises into opportunities. The focus is on practical insights, not just theory, offering attendees tools and frameworks directly from those who have weathered significant storms. The discussion delves into maintaining resilience and strategic focus during tumultuous periods. Essential for those seeking adaptive leadership, this session serves as a concise guide to fortify against future adversity.


Amanda Newton, Chief Executive, Rochdale Boroughwide Housing

Martin Williams, Chief Executive, Rare Restaurants



Published on: 11th December 2023, 17:30