Lead Into Your Future

career development | 8th June 2023 | 14:00 – 16:30

Difficult conversations
1st December 2022 | 15:00 – 17:00

Leading into the future is a challenge that all emerging leaders must face, and will be influenced by several different factors. For many emerging leaders, gone are the days when an organisation would dictate your career path. Nowadays, we have access to information in a way previous generations could never imagine. So, what does that mean for emerging leaders? Are you strategically making decisions that align with the career you want to develop? In this roundtable discussion, we’ll explore how you can create a personal brand that stands out from the rest and helps to propel you and your organisation to the next level.

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Matt Cooney Chief Executive,
Community Housing

Matt has considerable experience of working in housing, and since moving to the Midlands in 2000, joined Solihull Council as Deputy Director. He established North Solihull Regeneration which helped transform the area and then led the team that established Solihull Community Housing (SCH) and became its first Chief Executive. SCH was the first housing service to be awarded 3 stars with excellent prospects for improvement by the Audit Commission in the West Midlands.

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Sahil Khan Director of Community Strategy, Partnerships and Funding Peabody Group

Sahil is Director of Community Investment at Catalyst Housing and chair of Catalyst Housing Charitable Trust. He is also a Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) London Board member and a trustee at Local Trust.

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Hakeem Osinaike Director of Housing
Brent Council

With more than twenty-five years of experience in housing across seven London Councils, Hakeem is currently Director of Housing at the London Borough of Brent – one of the UK’s most diverse areas and now London Borough of Culture 2020.

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Date: 8th June 2023

Time: 14:00 – 16:30

Venue: Central London

If you would like to register your interest to attend the roundtable please click the link below.