Inspections: Routine Drill or Eye-Opening Insight? Dentist’s Chair or Therapist’s Couch?


Tina Barnard

Tina Barnard

Chief Executive, Watford Community Housing

Tina has been Chief Executive of Watford Community Housing since its formation in 2007. She is a qualified accountant who has been in the housing sector for over 30 years, working as a Finance Director in three housing organisations – CHP, Worthing Homes and New Era – and as a financial analyst at the Housing Corporation. 

As part of Watford Community Housing’s wider Group activities, Tina serves on the Clarendon Living Board and is Chair of our Hart Homes joint venture with Watford Borough Council. She is also Chair of both our Three Rivers Homes and Hertsmere Living Ltd joint venture companies with key local authority partners. 

With Tina as Chief Executive, Watford Community Housing is committed to helping Hertfordshire meet its housing goals and making the county’s homes more sustainable, as co-founder of the Greener Herts partnership and Chair of Hertfordshire Housing Conference. 

Tina has been a Non-Executive Director for a number of housing and charitable organisations. 

Amanda Garrard

Amanda Garrard

Chief Executive, Berneslai Homes

Amanda joined Berneslai Homes in September 2019.  

Amanda has worked in housing for over 30 years, starting her career at Barnsley and subsequently with a wide range of social housing providers across the North of England. She is passionate about ensuring the best possible services can be provided for and with tenants, making sure their voices are heard and responded to. She has led on a number of transformation and change programmes over the last 15 years, challenging the delivery of services, putting the tenant first and providing effective and efficient services based on learning from within and outside the sector. A firm advocate of professional coaching, she is a qualified coach and advocates the use of a coaching culture to get the very best from people. 


Denise Fowler 2025

Denise Fowler

Phoenix Community Housing

Denise Fowler is the Chief Executive of Phoenix Community Housing – the first Community Gateway in London. The Gateway model empowers tenants and leaseholders to take a central part in decision-making and become shareholding members. Tenants and leaseholders are the largest group on the Board, with our Chair and Vice-Chair also being residents. Denise is strongly committed to Resident involvement and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Phoenix had its regulatory Inspection in June last year and was rated G2,V2, C1. 

Previous roles have included : 

Chef Executive of Women’s Pioneer Housing 

The Housing Ombudsman for England , appointed by the Secretary of State to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. 

Senior lawyer in government, heading legal teams in three government departments: Communities and Local Government (now MHCLG) , Work and Pensions, and Health.] 

Coming soon




Date: 3rd July 2025

Time: 10:00AM – 12:30PM

Venue: TBC

If you would like to register your interest to attend the roundtable please click the link below.